Sunday, November 5, 2017

Freebies: Little Q the Anchorwoman

It's been a while,
so here's a Little Q clipart
that suits my situation
so perfectly at the moment.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Freebie : Little Q Excitement & Disappointment Stickers

Hola everyone! Here's the first stickers freebie for you guys, enjoy!

Monday, February 13, 2017


FAQs will be posted soon. xx

T & S

Everything on this blog belongs to MissStrawberryMilk unless stated otherwise. The use of any parts of this blog for any purpose is not allowed without permission. 

Freebies are strictly for personal use only, and no commercial use is allowed.

Thank you.

Contact Me

How to contact me?

Facebook : Afifi J.
Gmail : missstrawberrymilk [at] gmail [dot] com
Instagram : @miss.strawberry.milk

About Me

Well here we are, talking bout me eh? Life is short, and here's a short version of my 'tale' : I am a girl born in '95 from a rural area in Sarawak, Malaysia. I am a seasonal planner addict and a once in a while journal addict. I design stickers when I am in a good mood, and I do pretty much nothing but eat when I am in a lazy mood.


Welcome to the Blog!

 Hi there! My name is Afifi and I'm the proud owner of this lil blog. This blog is dedicated to all things related to my planner addiction - from planners to planner accessories and from my hauls to my own lil shop.

 As you can see, this blog is a work in progress so please bear with all the 'awkwardness' that comes with it :D
